About Her:

Ruth Kaveke is a graphics designer and the executive director of Pwani Teknowgalz in Mombasa Kenya. Pwani Teknowgalz is a not for profit organization working to bridge the gender parity  for women in technology. The 26 year old has a Bachelors Degree in Information Communication Technology from Technical University of Mombasa.

Ruth is also a web developer and passionate about helping girls to take up STEM related courses. Presently, Miss Kaveke is one of the 2017 Techwomen Emerging leaders.

She is proactive in the Mombasa Girls in STEM project featured by the German Federal ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development in their #eskills4girls videos.

Her Work:

From 2015- 2016, Ruth was the front end developer for Infinte Data Solutions. She designed the company’s website and other website development work.

As an Intern at Crablinks Interactive, she worked on web development project assigned to her.

She has a global Challenge called the Technovation Challenge that encourages girls from around the world in solving a community problem by creating a dedicated mobile application towards those issues.
She has also worked with approximately 300 high school girls from 12 schools and about 140 young women in three universities in Mombasa, Kenya, for three years as a director in STEM programs.

In 2017, she co-organized the Django Girls Mombasa and trained over 40 ladies, most of whom had never programmed before.

She was the former director of M-power Ladies between February 2014-2015

Why TechHer Loves Her:

She is focused on engaging women and girls in the global digital revolution.

About Her

Carolyn Seaman is the founder and creative director of Girls Voices Initiative.  She recently emerged the winner of the United State of America based World Pulse’s prize to promote and amplify women’s voices. The 35 year old, is also part of the Techwomen 2017 emerging leaders. Carolyn keeps encouraging and training women and the girl child to tell their stories through digital storytelling through her digital action Campaign. Her current focus is on educational technology.

Her Work:

In 2016, Seaman was the only African to have participated in the World Pulse’s signature training program, voice of our future.

She founded Girls Voices Initiative; a non-profit organization in 2013. Her NGO is focused on the girl child voice, providing a safe place to connect, share and learn from each other.

From 2011 till date Carolyn has been the development consultant for Marksmen Consult in Abuja.

Seaman conducts research and has been working tirelessly to develop documentaries and media content around the subject of gender development.

Between August 2014-Dec 2014, she worked as a Girl specialist consultant in Girl Hub Nigeria.  Ms Seaman provided technical support to the development of a robust,  safe space strategy and training kit for Girl Hub’s.

In 2014, she volunteered with Intel Corporation by engaging with young women towards helping the organization understand how technology can improve their lives, needs, skills, hopes, and passion.

As a World Pulse Global Community member, Carolyn served as a Volunteer Mentor with the Intel She Will Connect Project that engaged young women (18-25 yrs) on digital technology access. She is currently volunteering in the second phase of the project, which engages young women to further introduce them to the World Pulse Community and mentor them in their journey to digital empowerment.

Why TechHer Loves Her

Carolyn's has saddled herself with the responsibility of  teaching girls and women how to use the internet to unify their voices. She is  forward-thinking in the use of the internet, video technology and digital technology tools for social development and change, whilst promoting women and girls in STEM.

Information Gleaned from the Internet. 

Damilola Teidi hails from Kogi state, Nigeria. She is a graduate of Information Technology from Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus. Miss Damilola has a Master’s Degree in Strategy and Innovation Management from University of Southampton, London.

She is the co-founder of; a ride sharing company in Nigeria. Miss Teidi has worked as a developer and a business analyst with Cchub. Damilola has created stored procedures, triggers, asp pages and database tables for SMS push applications for customers using SQL queries. She is indeed versatile in creating web pages for various companies using

Miss Teidi has profound knowledge in the programming language - C#

Her Work:

In 2011, Damilola worked as a Software developer at Socketworks in Lagos for a period of 2 years and 5 months. While working at the Socketworks, she created an online shopping mall using PHP. She also worked on a web portal that enabled prospective students of a polytechnic in Nigeria apply for the polytechnic's exam online. There was over 8000 applicants who used this portal successfully.

In July 2012, she developed a fashion website called Styjunki born out of her passion for style and fashion. Did we forget to mention that Miss Damilola is also a Model? Yes, she is a model. She designed and still manages the development of the website. She curated content for all the profile pages as well as the social media management for Styljunki.

As a researcher in October 2013 with Kinetik Solutions Limited London, she carried out research on gathering solutions and data for relevant documentation for the organisation. She also researched around a new innovative product and developed a prototype for technology partners.

From July 2014- September 2014, Miss Teidi worked at the Programme Management Office as an intern at University of Southampton, United Kingdom. Teidi helped the university computer-based system to undergo a formal test lifecycle which covers test planning, analysis and designs.

In November 2014, she was the Business Analyst for Pre-incubation of one of Nigeria’s leading Tech Innovation hub called Co-creation Hub in Lagos. Damilola managed the administration bringing new committed social entrepreneurs to the Hub portfolio. She managed growth hacking session and progress reports to key officers.

Why TechHer Loves Her:
Looking at Damiola’s resume we can say she’s goal driven, persistent and hard-working. She has been able to combine both her passion for modelling and her career in Tech. She used technology to enable and improve the fashion/style sector in Nigeria.

Information gleaned from the Internet.


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