In partnership with HeirWoman, TechHer hosted a self-defence class for women and girls which held at Jabi Lake Park on the 23rd of November, 2019.

Both organisations thought it pertinent and urgent even, to teach women practical ways to protect themselves, especially considering the rising cases of violence and harassment against women in Nigeria and the world at large.

We had instructors from the acclaimed BodyRox Fitness Studio in Abuja teach us how to thwart attacks and deter would-be attackers.

We had a great time and the women went away with their self-confidence boosted and each participant went away with a free can of pepper spray!

Women encounter various barriers ranging from unconscious bias from parents, societal perception on certain careers, harassment etc. Nevertheless, 2018 is proving to be the year women are asked to push for progress, propelling them to break stereotypes and expand their horizons.

Technology and social media have been some of the drivers for Nigerian women in learning, creating awareness and advocating for issues affecting them. So many opportunities are embedded in technology, though it still fails to attract or retain more women.

Reinforcing female participation in technology is important because of the resultant increase in employment opportunities which weakens the effect of gender inequality, bridges the gender gap in technology and boosts the global economy.

Across the world, more people are speaking up about gender disparity in technology and ways of bridging the digital divide for women. Emphasis is being made on the impact of providing support, mentorship and active encouragement for women at the beginning of their careers, thus nurturing an ecosystem were women thrive in the ever-changing landscape of technology.

TechHerNG is empowering women to demystify technology and helping young people increase their skillset through technology. In making major strides and swaying the interest of more women to change the status quo, TechHerNG partnered with Aspillo Foundation to help 40 women access concrete information and skills that can be used to chart a core tech or tech-enabled career at the Civic Innovation Lab, Abuja.

With four women working in technology discussing their career paths, challenges, and opportunities: Nnena Nwakanma,  the Senior Manager Anna Brandusescu, Research and Policy Officer of World Web Foundation, Elizabeth Kolade and Farida Kabir, participants went away with a bigger sense of possibilities as to how they can develop a career in technology and make global impact.

With a track record of thriving in the tech industry, Nnenna sparked interest and engagement amongst participants with valuable insights around how she leveraged on leaving lasting moments and creating the right impression as a catalyst for her growth in the tech industry.

Rejoice Aikohi, a software developer had a practical learning session with the participant on how to build a website. Lara Raji, the Programs Manager for TechHerNG, provided plausible ways in which technology usage can create social impact. It was a significant step forward for most of the women in the room because it got them talking about the how and why of making social impact within society. It was a free flow of ideas amongst women and also provided a safe, constructive environment for women to participate and have their ideas become part of a solution, showing how organizations are moving the needle for startups and women in tech.

The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is a grant making foundation that supports local, national and regional organizations working towards the empowerment of African women and the achievement of gender equality on the continent.   The vision of AWDF is for women to live in a world where there is social justice, equality and respect for women’s human rights. To this end, our mission is to mobilize and disburse financial, human and material resources to support positive transformation in Africa.  We believe that If women are empowered with skills, information, sustainable livelihoods, opportunities to fulfil their potential, plus the capacity and space to make transformatory choices, then we will have vibrant, healthy and inclusive communities.

The AWDF is inviting applicants working on specified areas to put in applications for support.  The current call is opened from 10th August to 11th September 2015.    Applicants are to send in proposals with innovative but effective strategies to address issues relating to the specified focus areas under the various listed themes:  The areas of focus are as follows:

Eligibility Criteria, geographical scope and other information are available here - Application guidelines- Main grants


Framework for Measuring Outcomes

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